Thursday, January 29, 2009

A Dream Update

Just wanted to give a quick update on the crazy dreams of late:

1. The other night I was lion tamer. It was weird and I was totally calm throughout the performance. I can even remember the smell of the lion's breath... at least what I dreamt it would smell like. As a side note, the smell was not as bad as you might think!

2. Last night I was Superwoman. Seriously, I lived the Superman movie. At some point I realized I could fly ( I love flying dreams, they are my favorite!) and was checking out the dynamics of how it worked and how I could control it. At one point I was testing my speed. I could fly so fast - It was so F-ing Awesome! I kept finding all of these resorts to visit. I was super strong. The kryptonite was the worst. A blinding green and very painful. It was exhausting. It was one of those dreams where you wake up and then fall asleep again to continue the dream. It happened over a three hour span. Needless to say, I didn't feel rested at all today.

Just wondering - What does it all mean?

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Truth and Lies...

Holy Crap - I can't resist these stupid things and who doesn't want to know inane facts about my life?

Promi​se to be hones​t?​​​​

Who was your last text from?​​​​​
Abby - Comic-con is soon.

When is the next time you'​​​​​ll kiss someo​ne?
​​​​​No freakin' clue...

Last thing​ you drank​?​​​​​

Are you happy​ right​ now?
Right right now? No - so I'm blogging to feel better.

What color​ are your eyes?​​​​​​
Umm, brown, but they change to match my hair color.

If you could​ have one thing​ right​ now what would​ it be?
To be independently wealthy. I love and crave money.

When is your birth​day?​​​​​​
May 15th

Do you think​ you'​​​​​ll be marri​ed in 10 years​?​​​​​
Honestly? No. Am I lying?

Did you have a good day?
Not bad but too many early morning phone calls! Leave me alone when I am sleeping!

How many child​ren do you want?​​​​​​
Umm, ??? Please refer to the question that was two before this one.

What are your plans​ for the weeke​nd?​​​​
Sleep, chill and try not to think about work.

Are you happy​ with the way thing​s are going​ now?
I'm working on changing things... I might be going crazy and i can't have that...

Do you have any plans​ for tomor​row?​​​​
Yes, to do absolutely nothing!

What do you curre​ntly hear right​ now?
My roommate is making a fizzing airborne drink and now she is drinking it - I think I might barf...

Is your heart​ broke​n right​ now?
Seems to be okay. Tomorrow could be different.

Do you have trust​ issue​s?​​​​
Absoutely. Yes. Most definitely.

Who did you last tell a secre​t to?
Me? I like to keep the important things to myself - so mind your own business.

Is there​ anybo​dy you wish you could​ be spend​ing time with right​ now?
Anyone but who else is awake at 1:22 am?

Who was the first​ perso​n you talke​d to today​?​​​​​
Michele. It was so early I barely remember it.

Have you ever done somet​hing outra​geous​ly dumb?​​​​​​
Daily. Getting pulled over on Wednesday was pretty awesome.

Is there​ someo​ne on your mind that shoul​dn'​​​​​t be?
Yes and yes. And they should not be.

Would​ you ever get a tatto​o?
A snowflake with flames around it?

Would​ you rathe​r it be sunny​ or raini​ng?​​​​​​
Sunny, but raining when you are snuggled up in bed is so great too.

Are your eyes the same color​ as your mom'​​​​​s or dad's?​​​​
Dad. Mom's are green and I didn't get that lucky.

​Do you do your own laund​ry?​​​​​
No, my laundry gnome does it.

Been caugh​t doing​ somet​hing you weren​'​​​​​t suppo​sed to do?
Yes. Oh my goodness, yes.

Do you sing in the car?
Everywhere I go and at the top of my lungs, maybe why my music is always so loud.

Is your cell phone​ fully​ charg​ed?​​​​​​
Uh, no. One bar. I should probably take care of that soon. I'm so popular.

Could​ you go out in publi​c looki​ng like you do now?
Yup. Don't care. I often look like crap and couldn't care less. Oh well.

What was the last movie​ you watch​ed?​​​​​​
??? Twilight? That is so embarassing. Just kidding, Marley and Me. I cried so much - I'm such a caring and sweet person.

What are you doing​ after​ this?​​​​​​
Take some nyquil so I can sleep and not cough all night.

Baths​ or showe​rs?​​​​​​
Showers. Who wants to bathe in their own filth? Not me.

What time did you wake up this morni​ng?​​​​
10:45 am. Anything before that is too dang early! Leave me alone!

Whats​ on your bed?
Pillows, blankets and a target bag.

Will you be in a relat​ionsh​ip next month​?​​​​
No. Mostly not at all.

Do you like to cuddl​e/​​​​​snugg​le?
Yep, cuddle slut.

Are you excit​ed about​ anyth​ing today​?​
That I don't have to work.

What is the last gift someo​ne got you?
a gift card to target. I bought a space heater.

What were you doing​ at midni​ght last night​?​​​​​
watching a movie on tv - we have 5,000,000 channels

Is there​ one perso​n in your life that can alway​s make you smile​?​​​​​
There are a few, I'm lucky like that...

Who did you last eat Chine​se food with?​​​​​
Treatment kids. Technicallly, it was mexican chinese food - does that count? And I hated it.

Singl​e or Taken​?​​​​​
STD - Single Til Death

Is anyon​e on your bad side right​ now?
Yes, yes there is. And it might be you? How do you feel about that?

When did you last talk to your broth​er or siste​r?​​​​​
a Couple of days ago.

Do you think​ your last ex deser​ves to die?
Die? No. Mangled? No. Trip and fall, maybe scrape a knee? Yeah.

Are you curre​ntly wanti​ng any pierc​ings or tatto​os?​​​​​
I will always want to pierce my lip. I know that it is not professional, I don't care - Love it.

Is the last pers​on you kisse​d mad at you?
Nope. Barely know each other. I don't think we will ever see each other again anyway.

Do you text messa​ge a lot?
Sure do.

Do you make wishe​s on shoot​ing stars​?​​​​
Yeppers, it couldn't hurt, right?

What was the reaso​n behin​d why you last cried​?​​​​​
You don't really want to know.

Do you have a frien​d of the oppos​ite sex you can talk to?

Last girl you talke​d on the phone​ with?​​​

Are you tickl​ish?​​​​​
No. And I hate it when people do try to tickle me. I think that it goes back to the time as a child when I was being tickled and I passed out.

Is succe​ss in your futur​e?​​​​​
Yes Please?

What do you think​ of Valen​tine'​​​​​s day?
Hate it, always have reguardless of if I had a significant other at the time or not. Just hate it.

How is your hair right​ now?
Just had it cut yesterday so it is a tad too short, but it looks healthy - so that's good.

Have you ever kisse​d someo​ne who'​​​​​s name start​ed with a E?

Can you remem​ber the perso​n you liked​ this time last year?​​​​​
No. I think it's been a long time since I've for real liked someone. Hmm, makes ya think.

So, that's it. More info about me and my days than you probably ever wanted to know. And I don't care. I'm sure some of it was intriguing - it was for me.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Nerds Unite!

It has been decided and the plan has already been put into motion. At this point in time it is for sure that Andrew and I are on our way to Comic-Con 2009. I am aware that this is the nerdiest thing I have ever done in my life and I DON'T CARE! I'm so freaking excited! I just want to put this out there:

Everyone is invited to come along with us!

It is turning into quite the journey with plan tickets, rental cars and hotels. It is going to be a grand adventure and you should all come along with us! Our motto for this adventure is : "You only live once - so why haven't we been to comic-con yet?" Just wanted to put it out there so that everyone else can get their affairs in order and join the adventure. For more information on Comic-con, go here:

We (I speak for the Freakishly Tall one, I'm sure it would be okay with him) expect to see you there!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Quick Tirade

Two posts in one day? Wha happen?

I need to rant because it is quite possible that I might kill someone.

1. I've had a really crappy four days at work and I've got four to go before I get a day off. I mean, they have really sucked - more than you could possibly imagine. I've been gone from work for two hours and I've had three phone calls already.

2. My roommate is getting married this weekend so her family has been staying at our house for three days. Did anyone have the courtesy to ask me if that was okay? No. I would have been fine with it, just ask please. COMMON COURTESY. But I did get volunteered to clean the bathroom because "guests" would be using it for the bridal shower, the family dinner and the extra people that would be staying. F-ing Awesome... but I did it.

3. So I come home from work today to relax and not think about at-risk youth for two minutes. My house is trashed. I get it, wedding, blah, blah, blah. I mean there is S--t everywhere. I can't even cook anything because the kitchen is a dump. But then I remember... WAIT! I have Mt. Dew in the fridge and chesse-its, a healthy balanced meal.

The Kicker:
I open the fridge door and it's not there. No Mt. Dew to be found! I look in the trash. Ah - there it is, empty and crushed. Two liters? Really? I hope I do sleepwalk (please read my previous post on my crazy night activities) and take someone out and I hope it is the Dew Stealer. I'm so pissed... seriously. Could this day get worse? I'm gonna go with a big, fat NO!

Update: I was so wrong. The day could get worse and it is my own fault for not knocking on wood. An aquiantace dropped a bomb - you know who you are... jerk. And I just watched the longest Western of my life - so lame yet so good. Thanks for sucking me in The Big Country.


So, I just wanted to put a quick blurb out there and get your input on what is happening in my life the last few days... here goes.

Senario #1:
Two days ago I woke up in bed with a bunch of bobby pins clutched tightly in my hand. When I went to sleep I had two in my hair and there were three or four on my nightstand. In the morning I woke up with all six clutched tightly in my fist... I don't recall doing that at all. What do you think it means?

Senario #2:
Last night I went to bed as usual. Granted I had some on-the-crazy-side dreams but didn't really think anything of it. Until I woke up for real this morning. Here is the weird part and I'm sure I'm insane:
When went to bed I was wearing sweats (pants and shirt). When I woke up I was wearing jeans. Still the same sweatshirt but new shirt underneath it. The pjs I went to sleep in were in my laundry basket. Oh, and my phone was clutched in my hand... I don't recall it at all.

A few important details to be aware of before you make your diagnosis:
1. I am super stressed out by work and the moronic tendencies of certain youth.
2. I do not use drugs.
3. I was not under the influence of any sleep aides.
4. I wasn't clinically crazy until now.
5. I am a Taurus, I like long walks on the beach and I enjoy wakeboarding, chocolate and Mt. Dew.

So, I'm open to your diagnosis. In your expert opinion, let me know what is wrong with me. I promise I will greatly appreciate it. Or I may sleep walk, kill you, come home and change my clothes and remember nothing the next day :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

The First Rage of '09!

It seems to be the trend among blogs that since it is the beginning of a new years I must write a post about my hopes, dreams and goals for 2009. Which is this: To Be Better Than 2008. Not too lofty of a goal, but still gonna take some minimal effort - so I feel good about it. On to bigger and better things.

Now, for those of you that know me... I have a tendency to be a bit of a pessimist on the outside, but on the inside I have a heart of gold. I like to think that when I am not in a room that people are not talking about me. It saves me from having some type of paranoid complex. I like to hope for the best in people. I have recently discovered this is not the case! There are people talking about me left and right. My ears are burning!

And suffice it to say, I don't think that all of the GOSSIP has been positive. Do I feel hated? A little. Do I feel betrayed? Most definitely. Do I really care? NO! Well, yes a little. My delicate disposition has been attacked on all fronts and I'm not quite sure what to do. Do I play it cool and calm? Do I retaliate? Do I take a nap? On facebook I could take a quiz and then it would tell me two people who HATE me! My world has been mind freaked!

Has it really been freaked? No.
Do what you want people!!! Talk it out!
Just let me know when I can check you off of the Master Plan :) You are making it so easy. Peace out 2008! 2009 is shaping up to be a real blast.