Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Well, I know that it has been a while since I have updated anything, but well - it's just been the same day over and over for the past few weeks. Seriously, I get up, shower, work, come home and watch some tv and then go to bed - only to start the process over again the next day. Now, I'm not really complaining because the pay checks have been phenominal! Although I don't have much to show for it yet (stupid bills and my desire to eat and not die), maybe someday soon I will feel like I am ahead of the game. Wouldn't it be nice to never have to worry about money or registering your car again? Yes, my reg. expires tomorrow and no I still have not replaced my windshield and no the car will not be reg'd until at the earliest next week. I don't even know how much windshield repair should cost! I hate windshields with cracks except when they are protecting me from wind (obviously), rain, hail, snow and most importantly - BEES!!! Then cracked but intact windshields are okay! Can I get a what, what??? Okay, so now I am starting to lose it and still have to clean sandals and take out laundry. I gots to go, stay sweet and sassy everyone!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Passing Tests and New Laws!!!

Well, so I am sure that everyone knows that I passed my National Test for massage. It was hard and I was stressed out, but somehow I made it through. After that I decided that I had a lot of free time on my hands. So much in fact that I realized that I could run a nation. So with that thought the Kingdom of Wicked Rage was created and it is thriving under the rulings I make, one day I do plan to take over - take over what? I don't know. Now, I know that I am not the most politically minded person, but I feel that running my own nation is really going to give me new insight in politics. No really, politicchic you have got to stop laughing at me... So, that's it on the homefront for now... no more tests or school, just the rantings and ravings of a psychotic national leader!!!