Well, I know that it has been a while since I have updated anything, but well - it's just been the same day over and over for the past few weeks. Seriously, I get up, shower, work, come home and watch some tv and then go to bed - only to start the process over again the next day. Now, I'm not really complaining because the pay checks have been phenominal! Although I don't have much to show for it yet (stupid bills and my desire to eat and not die), maybe someday soon I will feel like I am ahead of the game. Wouldn't it be nice to never have to worry about money or registering your car again? Yes, my reg. expires tomorrow and no I still have not replaced my windshield and no the car will not be reg'd until at the earliest next week. I don't even know how much windshield repair should cost! I hate windshields with cracks except when they are protecting me from wind (obviously), rain, hail, snow and most importantly - BEES!!! Then cracked but intact windshields are okay! Can I get a what, what??? Okay, so now I am starting to lose it and still have to clean sandals and take out laundry. I gots to go, stay sweet and sassy everyone!
Yes registering cars sucks! I also do not like cracked windshields. But it's such a pain to get it fixed. I understand your pain.
I have an appt. to get it fixed on friday!!! Yeah... $150 well spent...right!
WHAT, WHAT! (You asked for it...)
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