The Repeat Offender...
In response to a reader's comment, I decided that I should explain who the repeat offender is... since she is new to our group. The RO (as she will be called from here on out) is one of my favorite people, true that we didn't always get along from the beginning. I can remember more than one occasion in which we fought, probably over toys or the fact that she would breathe on me (or really loud) during the night when we were forced to share a room. But most of the memories are fond ones. My favorite being "It's hot, boooooiling hot!" Or the way that she would pout when she would cry - let's face it the RO is one of my favorite people and sisters...if you ever need to you can check her out over at, she likes it over there...But welcome to our little group of vigilant bloggers and the good time yet to come...
I was thinking that was the case but wasn't sure. Thanks for the update and you might want to pay attention to the next fan fic update because it may be a pivotal installment. More action and less talking.
Me like Repeat Offender. Me wish more people would come join our blogging group. Me don't know why me talking like this.
Wow, a whole blog with me as the title...I think I'm gonna cry. How could a plain jane like me ever get so lucky?!?
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