Friday, October 14, 2005


Well, it's almost offical - I only have a few more massages to give at clinic (5 to be exact) and then it is goodbye to school forever. Over the next few weeks I will be getting all of my liscensing (i just tried to spell that for 2 minutes and I can't get it) done and then I can start to really make some mulah! Too bad it costs so much to start making't what I like to call ironic or something like a catch22.
On to bigger and scarier things, I am at work and there is this ginormous fly buzzing around and I think we all know how I feel about bugs that fly - I don't like 'em. I freaked until I figured out that it was just a goliath fly, but I still wish that it would stop dive bombing me! It flies really slow because it's humongoid body can barely be carried by it's teeny, tiny wings. I'll have to dispose of him later. I only hope that I can get his gargantuan body out the door. Well, I should probably do some work or something...we'll see...ate mais


Blogger smithfieldman said...

Congrats! You finally made it to the end. I can't wait for the party!

10/14/05, 3:21 PM  

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