Saturday, January 17, 2009

Quick Tirade

Two posts in one day? Wha happen?

I need to rant because it is quite possible that I might kill someone.

1. I've had a really crappy four days at work and I've got four to go before I get a day off. I mean, they have really sucked - more than you could possibly imagine. I've been gone from work for two hours and I've had three phone calls already.

2. My roommate is getting married this weekend so her family has been staying at our house for three days. Did anyone have the courtesy to ask me if that was okay? No. I would have been fine with it, just ask please. COMMON COURTESY. But I did get volunteered to clean the bathroom because "guests" would be using it for the bridal shower, the family dinner and the extra people that would be staying. F-ing Awesome... but I did it.

3. So I come home from work today to relax and not think about at-risk youth for two minutes. My house is trashed. I get it, wedding, blah, blah, blah. I mean there is S--t everywhere. I can't even cook anything because the kitchen is a dump. But then I remember... WAIT! I have Mt. Dew in the fridge and chesse-its, a healthy balanced meal.

The Kicker:
I open the fridge door and it's not there. No Mt. Dew to be found! I look in the trash. Ah - there it is, empty and crushed. Two liters? Really? I hope I do sleepwalk (please read my previous post on my crazy night activities) and take someone out and I hope it is the Dew Stealer. I'm so pissed... seriously. Could this day get worse? I'm gonna go with a big, fat NO!

Update: I was so wrong. The day could get worse and it is my own fault for not knocking on wood. An aquiantace dropped a bomb - you know who you are... jerk. And I just watched the longest Western of my life - so lame yet so good. Thanks for sucking me in The Big Country.


Blogger politicchic6 said...

Big Country taught us some very valuable lessons. 1- Bathing is optional in the w-wow. 2- Chuck Heston looks better with his shirt unbuttoned or completely off. 3- The brunette is always going to win in a battle for Gregory Peck's heart. 4- A kicken' soundtrack and long pointless shots of dreary countryside are enough to make anyone happy.

I didn't mean to drop any bombs. And it didn't make your day worse in any way.

1/18/09, 7:03 AM  
Blogger stewedslacker said...

So... I know how you feel. I don't like at-risk youth either, but they are the means to an end(money, nothing sick like the perverts who read your blog are thinking). If somebody drinks Mt Dew that doesn't belong to them, than that person should be flogged naked in the town square and then cast out of the village,left to fend for themselves against the elements. I am thinking that all those people staying in your house and obligated cleaning would be enough to anger anyone, but the stealing, well that sucks.

1/21/09, 8:40 PM  

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