Thursday, April 06, 2006

A Spell of Grande Proportions...

I know that I said that I would post happy stuff in this post, but it is just not going to happen today. As usual I am just too disgruntled - you would think that I worked at the post office or DMV (I don't for those of you that don't realize) . It's not that there is anything in particular that is bothering me today, but I did have (am still having) anxiety attack number 3!!! And it is killing me! I don't know what it is, but everytime someone walks in (at work), walks by, calls - I start to freak out! I blame it all on the incident of last week - For those of you that don't know what happened - here is the scoop. A fellow employee became upset with me when they thought that I was favoring another employee and booking extra and more expensive appointments for this other employee (instead of them) than I should have been. Which is impossible - our computer program won't let us do that... ANYWAY... they were upset (which I can kind of understand but my boss was there and supports me 100%) and now the whole thing is just out of control and trying to kill me!!! I have "spells" (as I will call them from here on out) in the middle of the night, on my way to work, when I pull into the parking lot at work, when the phone rings at work, when people walk in, etc. I think that you get the idea... I've since decided that I will only be working as a therapist from now on (I told my boss that and she is going to try to hire a new person as soon as possible) and I hope that this will help in relieving the "spells" that I have been having lately. Then maybe the shaking, head rush, heart thumping, sweating, vomit, I want to pass out feelings will leave and I can continue on with my life! I guess that there is one happy thought that keeps me going... moving in three weeks! Ah! Taxes!!! Spell number 4 just hit!!!


Blogger The Rage said...

When you said drugs I didn't think of ibuprofen... I often have enjoyed crack...

4/7/06, 9:49 AM  
Blogger James said...

Morphine is a fav of mine. I hope those were just want to vomit but didn't feelings because vomiting is gross. I saw a movie yesterday about some people that went to Uganda, and one of them vomitted more than I thought possible by a human being. It was educational.

4/13/06, 9:11 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I personally prefer Perk or Oxy, but who I am I to judge painkillers?

4/15/06, 3:03 AM  

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