Sunday, February 24, 2008

Have You Ever?

So, I was taking a look back at my life and it made me curious about a few things. Not resentful or disappointed, just curious if any you had ever done any of the things I had... hopefully my mother never reads this :) Confessions:

Have you ever decided it might be a good idea to push your car on the freeway just to see how far you could make it not because it was broken down?

Have you ever made out in a church? If you know the story, well - good for you. If not, then you will never hear it from me.

Have you ever had your friends boyfriend tell you that he wished he had met you first?

Have you ever hid a gun in your locker for a friend?

Have you ever watched Cloak and Dagger twice a day for two weeks?

Have you ever been stranded in Utah when you lived in Idaho?

Have you ever done something scandalous, but didn't care and secured your place in hell? I'll let you use your imagination on that one :)

Have you ever driven into oncoming traffic? On accident of course.

Have you ever made you sister think that she was invisible unless she was touching the top of your head? She was four, I was sixteen.

Have you ever lied, I mean just lied through your teeth and that person still doesn't know?

Well, I'm sure there are other things that I've done and continued to do. But here is a small glimpse into my semi, mildly sordid past, other confessions will remain secrets until I die. I can be a locked vault too. Tchau...

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Debbie Downer

That's who I am today. It's probably because I'm too tired to function, but today was just more than one person should have to handle. And for no particular reason this day sucked. It was just one of those days, ya know?

One of the those days when:

1. Everyone around you is driving too slow or like a total idiot.
2. Just the sound of a certain persons voice is enough to make your blood boil.
3. It snowed.
4. Other people show up to work late.
5. It's so cold outside at night that you can't sleep because you can't stop shivering no matter how many blankets or the amount of clothing you are wearing.
6. You are so tired you can't even think straight.
7. You want to eat all of the chocolate in the world, but can't for obvious reasons.
8. You are pretty sure that everyone hates you - even though they probably don't.
9. You just want to go home.
10. Being an adult is too hard.
11. Your socks keep bunching up in your shoes.
12. When there is not enough time alone, people are always around you.
13. Going to bed should be the first thing you did when you got up in the morning.

So there you have it. The Debbie Downer moment of the day - straight from my day to yours - ENJOY and go back to bed. Trust me, you'll be doing yourself a favor.

Your truly pessimistic Wicked Rage