Friday, May 16, 2008

Senile In My Old Age

Well, here are a few things that I forgot to post over the last few months. Most are actually from the last few weeks, but uh - who cares? Here are some pictures, some stories - just to get everybody by... being 29 has made me nostalgic. It's going to be a rough year!

Here we have M in all of her blind, post op glory. I love this picture - notice how here eyes are closed and didn't really know what was going on... Classy!

What else? Let's see... Oh, for the past 2 week there has been a condom sitting in our living room. I guess you could say it is mine - I got it at work from a concerned friend... The convo went something like this:

"Hey, I have a present for you!"
"Awesome, let me have it!"
- reaches into purse and palms something and handshakes it to me so the girls (at work) won't see -
"What???" (Hysterical laughter ensues)
"I just want you to be safe."

So then it has proceeded to sit on our livingroom floor, it is still there. Well, it did go into my pocket when the home teachers came over - that would just have been awkward. Now that it has been so long, I can't seem to get rid of it! Just gonna save it for a rainy day... too bad it's almost summer and not much rain for the next little while. Yikes!

A gloriously tan me (yea, that's me tan) after vacation last year... ah, the good old days of the delta!

That's about all that I can think of... it is 3 in the morning. So far 29 has been pretty chill. Slept in, got my hair cut, went to lunch... lunch was so good, by the way. Gloria's - little Italian place. A fantastic nap in the late afternoon, probably why I'm still awake. And topped off with a little movie, House of Wax. Which - suprise, suprise - sicked me out and made me afraid for my life, I'm a pansy. I just don't ever want to have my achilles tendons cut so that I can't run away, please.

So peeps, thanks for all of the shout outs for my birthday. They were much appreciated even if they did start at the ungodly hour of 8am. Let's make 29 the best year ever!!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

A New Realization

So I mentioned here that I have no self control. That problem has been brought to the fore front of my life once more! Here is a taste of some of the things I can't resist for the life of me (note: I realize most of these are sugar based):

Swedish Fish
Working 1 Million Hours
Deadliest Catch (Episodes, Marathons, etc.)
Making Michele Uncomfortable (It is like vomit, I can't stop it!)
Being Inappropriately Inappropriate
Listening to Loud Music (I can't stop - it's just not the same quiet)


Being a Total Whore

That being said... there are a lot of things that I left off - for my sanity and others, but I feel that you get the general idea.

I know what you are thinking - "No self control? Maybe she just really likes these things." It's true and that's what I thought at first and I may just like swedish fish and apples a lot. All of the others on the list I really can't help. For me to resist takes every fiber of my being. Some days I'm so exhausted from resisting - my obsessive, cyclical thinking just takes it out of me. That's where the problems come in and I decide it's easier to just give in - So I do! Then I make poor choices in my life.

So, if you want to help me out... stop me when I'm getting crazy. Or on the other hand, maybe you want to see me crazy. It is entertaining when I get carried away and maybe you get some sick joy out of the crash and burn of others. So be it! This is what I decided...


I like my lack of self control or discipline. It's fun! So I destroy my life and all things good in the world (like I have that power, phhhst!) at least I had a good time on the way out. That, my friends, was my realization at 4 am yesterday morning while I was throwing up and I've never been better or crazier! Okay, I've been crazier... but now I'm just rambling :}