Thursday, November 09, 2006

Why The Job I Love Sucks This Month...

I just thought that I would get it all out now, you know, before I explode. That way I don't have to worry about my imminent death. Work sucks. Please don't get me wrong, I love my job. But I'm sure that you've had those day too. When all of the world seems like it's having a party and you weren't invited because you had to work. It seems like it wouldn't be too bad since you absolutley love your job (most of the time) BUT this was the week that IF something could go wrong - IT DID! Allow me to put the crap into list form in no particular order:

1. The ceiling fell. Not just fell, a square foot of it fell on a guest. Nice. Yes, I comped his massage.
2. Other receptionist was fired - not that I'm not relieved or somewhat happy (probably too
happy) - I just have 4 days off this month and it looks to be less because of #3
3. Leave of Absence - what does that even mean - It means I have to find people to cover 10 shifts this month - including Thanksgiving. Right...
4. Re-decking the Hot tub. It's right outside the door... lots of drilling, hammering, etc. What a fabulous spa atmosphere. Ready to relax?
5. Electrician came by and we had no electriciy for 4 hours. Always blissful... at least the computer and stereo still worked.
6. Mold - Cause of problem #1 and #3 and #7 and ultimately #8 and #9 - something about a burst hot water pipe. Okay...
7. All of the wall paper on the lower half of the wall was ripped off. Nothing like moldy bare walls to really get you fired up for that massage...
8. Mudding, Sanding and Painting. After #7, we now have to mud the walls, then sand them down to be even and then paint. Nothing like some paint fumes to get you high so you can relax better
9. Because of the vigorous sanding (don't take this wrong, they are doing a wonderful job getting the spa back to running order) there is a light sheen of dust on EVERYTHING throughout the entire spa. All surfaces including all of the product that we sell, carpets, walls, desk - all of it. I can't wait to clean... (that was sarcastic).
10. Our housekeeping staff hasn't been here in at least 3 days. They suck. They think it's haunted. I can promise it's not, but I'm sure that I could set up something unbelievably horrifying to give them a reason to be really afraid of the spa.

So, I think that's it. I could probably come up with a few (and by a few I mean several hundred) other contributing factors, but that about covers all the bases. Just use your imagination for the rest. Think of crappy things that could have happened and they did! I have Sunday off and I can barely wait!!! Don't call me on Sunday... I won't answer. I have recently given up on life because of past life events, but that is a post for another day... Tchau...

Latest development in the suckiness of it all... it just started to snow! I hate it here today...


Blogger sari said...

you are awesome. i love your list - and best of all... you're handling it with such grace and aplomb. thank you for being here - i LOVE you!!!

-your boss who left for las vegas on (vacation) business right when the shit all hit the fan...

11/12/06, 11:14 AM  
Blogger smithfieldman said...

sounds like the world is crashing down on you. Only if there was someone in Ketchikan who could send you some ketchicandies. Oh well..

11/14/06, 7:43 PM  

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