I do whatever Jason wants...seriously
So here it is, the promised post, I always bend to Jason's will. Although I am still in school and still have no job, which incidentally, if you hadn't already clued in - I HAVE NO LIFE - but am content and happy in the sweltering heat. The pool = fabulous, school = going extremely well, not working = magical. Not doing a lot of stuff I used to leaves a lot of time to do frivolous things like fantastical trips to Fruitland, weddings, fireworks and reading, that's right I actually had time to read an entire book. Modern day miracles really do happen my friends, they really happen. Bringing up the fact that Harry Potter comes out this Friday and I for one am excited to go to the release party with Kitty Kat and get my reserved book. So many unanswered questions!!! I am such a nerd! So unite with me, my fellow nerds and keep blogging alive (for Jason's sake for I fear he may be losing it, whilst the rest of us float in the pool!) Ate Mais! Tchau!