Sunday, June 03, 2007

The 20

So, in honor of the first 20 pounds that I've lost... that's right - last week Steve made it official. The first twenty are gone and now it is only a matter of another 200 or 300 to go (or something like that). So as I was saying - In honor of losing the first official 20 - here are 20 things that you probably don't know about me! Probably... but I make no promises... especially to those who know me well :)

1. I hate to be woken up in the morning. There is a reason I am called The Rage. Most people have a tendency to try to keep their distance in the morning hours or just hit me with a golf club (thanks Jason) to get me up.

2. I no longer have an appendix ... since I was fourteen. Apparently I didn't need it.

3. I am terrified of bees. Not just scared, but out of my mind insane if there is one near me or if there is something resembling a bee. Flies scare me until I am able to determine it is a fly and not a bee. Irrational? Yes. Do I care? No.

4. I'm irrational. Just ask Michelita.

5. My room is trashed. And by trashed I mean every article of clothing I own is not in it's place, but on my floor and bed. No worries... I'm on it.

6. I have an unhealthy LOVE of the band AFI. No really, it can be scary my level of obsession. For some reason I can't help it and it has been years in the making and not leaving any time soon.

7. I love money.

8. Vampires. Love them. Dream of them. Seriously.

9. I love music and can't live without it, no I would die without it. I own millions of CDs and the collection is ever growing by leaps and bounds every week.

10. I sunburn easily. Once I'm tan I'm good for months, but those first rays of sun (after a long, cold winter) are death.

11. California will always be home no matter where I live or for how long I'm away. I may have lived in Utah for 5 years, but I still head home for a week every summer!

12. I love wakeboarding! I suck and manage to hurt myself with almost every run, but still the most amazing sport ever.

13. I've played the piano since I was 6.

14. Cloak and Dagger was one of my favorite movies as a kid.

15. Most people have never seen me without make-up on. Trust me - you don't want too.

16. Francyst. He lives in my wrist. Need I say more?

17. Orange is one of my favorite colors. I own orange pants, towels, shoes, back pack, shirts, scissors, nail polish, etc. I wanted an orange xterra, but settled for blue.

18. Deadliest Catch. Never seen it? Shame on you. Andrew I will be there shortly for the tour.

19. I have a Darth Vader sleeping bag. When I was a kid I had a Care Bears sleeping bag.

20. Mashed Potatoes. If there was one thing I had to eat for the rest of my life it would be mashed potatoes.

So there you have it. Another riveting list of useless facts about me! Enjoy! I promise another 20 with the next 20. I know, try and contain your excitement! Kisses - until next time!


Blogger smithfieldman said...

I think I knew about 5 things on that list. I don't think I have ever listened to AFI before. Maybe. I guess I will have to someday to see why you obsess so much. And seriously the boat is here until the end of the cruise ship season, so come anytime.
I don't think I could ever call California home.

6/4/07, 2:42 PM  
Blogger brennan said...

Ha! As the only person you ever called your best friend growing up (except for that girl in first grade... had to bump her off), I did know many of those things. Although I did learn some new things. And perhaps I could help you write the next 20 with some embarrassing stories!
(LOL on the Cloak and Dagger!!)

8/1/07, 4:21 PM  

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