Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Naked in the Dark ... Literally

So, as you all know, massage therapy has taken over the small thing that I had so hoped to call my life. Day and night, night and day, I have become obsessed. It's all that I think about, dream about and I'd say eat, but that would be weird. Who would have thought that being naked would become a thing that I would love? I mean, obviously you're covered with a sheet, they turn the lights down, put on soothing music and enjoy! So kids, here is the invitation, the line starts outside the door of Apartment 101 and I need the practice. Trust me, you have nothing to lose. And I won't even make you take your clothes off! But I mean, if you want . . .


Blogger James said...

That's an intriguing post (uh oh better use the internet to make sure I spelled that word right... woohoo I was right.) So if you need someone to practice on I'm game. I'm all about helping people graduate or something.

3/29/05, 11:20 PM  
Blogger smithfieldman said...

I hope the line isn't too long I could really use a massage right now. It would be weird if you ate massages.

3/30/05, 11:55 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good thing you have no become a massage whore. I think that you should test out your skills on my first so that I can accurately tell people how good you are and if they should even bother coming over. Are you as intrigues as I am about Jack Safety as I am?

3/31/05, 1:08 AM  

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